Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Week 4 Post -- Julie

Thoughts on technology in my English 3 (Freshman Composition) one-shot course:

What technologies (and these can be old, new, or emerging) might be most appropriate for your final project? 

English 3 isn't dependent on lots of emerging technologies. I'm very interested in using Google Forms for assessment and feedback; other than that, I feel comfortable sticking to low-tech teaching tools like paper and small prizes, and existing technologies like our LibGuides. We use the English 3 LibGuide as a starting point for students' research, and that seems to work well.

Does your final project align with any of the trends represented in the Horizon Report you reviewed? 

My use of Google Forms aligns with data-driven learning and assessment. I hope that integrating forms into the class session (eg. asking students to submit links to articles they've found in the databases) will give me a wealth of data to draw from when assessing a session and planning future classes.

How does your choice of technology enhance or improve instruction, or motivate learners?

I'll be able to see what keywords students used in their searches and what articles they found. I'll also be able to compare students' search habits before the session (through a pre-session survey) and after the session. If I'm able to also review the papers students turn in, then I'll have a very clear picture of how the library session affected their research methods.

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